Monday 13 April 2009

2009 Skin Range Launched


Rebecca Vacano, owner of Platinum the best avatar enhancement brand in Second Life today announced the launch of the new 2009 Skin range by Doofus Mayo.

"The 2009 Platinum Skin Range has taken the last 6 months to put together." Said Vacano "Hand Painted, utilising the best advanced texturing techniques - the skins are perfect for either a Newbie wanting a good skin (at a good price) or the most advanced user wanting to impress that lucky guy or serve as a great look for modelling or escorting"

"All the Skins have completely free demos, so people can come down and browse at their leisure. They have been designed to also complement the new shape range"

Quoting Vacano recently whom announced the new shape partnership with Noon Twine. "Noon and myself share the belief that people in Second Life only deserve the best quality items. There are many merchants out there selling "freebie" shapes for premium prices. All the items sold in our shops have been created from scratch and have taken many hours to perfect. Thats why we get lots of repeat business. Our reputation, quality and customer service are the three most important things to me."